Frequently asked questions

Where are you based?

Currently in a small village in Derbyshire with my awesome wife and two kids - only downside...UberEats isn't out here yet. I've always travelled far and wide for weddings and I love the advenuture of going to new places, so don't be put off if I'm not local.

*How much does it cost you to travel to our wedding?

If your wedding is more than 2hrs from me I'll ask a small travel supplement of £100 to help me out with fuel. It your day is in Ireland or outside the UK other travel fees may apply. Accomodation in the UK is include in my all packages. 

How do we book you?!

Fill out my short contact form here with as much detail as you can. if I'm available - great! Once we've had a facetime I'll email you the formalities and once your retainer is with me you're officially booked! 

Can we meet before the big day?

Yes! I love to meet up in person for a drink and a chat where I can, but if it's not possible, facetime or whatsapp are perfect.

What do we receive?

Depending on the package you've chosen, a minimum of 500 images, edited and finished by me, presented in a beautiful, private online viewing gallery. All your photos are fully edited and finished and will be sized for print and also for social media and email for sharing, as soon as you receive your gallery. If you've ordered an Album, we'll work together to make sure it's exactly how you want it and this can be ready in just a few weeks once you recieve your photos.

Wow, there are so many incredible weddings on your site - do you still shoot humble DIY weddings and simple church weddings? 

I do! Every wedding's it's own little adventure. Doesn't matter the shape or size.

Do you shoot same sex marriages?

I absolutely 1000% do. I shot my first one in 2023 and I'm looking forward to catpuring many more. 

We're not really into posing, it just feels awkward. we much prefer candid photos!

I'm right there with you. I won't be asking you to smile for your photos! Most of the time you won't notice what I'm doing. During your photo session I give enough direction to make you feel at ease, but not so much, so things still flow naturally and you have fun.

Do you use flash or natural light?

I use both! I don't normally use flash during the day unless I need to, or unless I'm doing something creative, but I do use it for the party shots to catch those amazing moments!

* We really want to book, but we're based outside of the UK - will you travel this far?

No worries. I LOVE to travel and I've been all over the UK, with the odd wedding abroad during my time, so really I'm up for anything! If your wedding is more than 2 hours away for SK23, or outside the UK, we'll work out a quote that covers your photography and my travel and accomodation. 

So how does the retainer work? Is it refundable?

I ask for a 25% non-refundable retainer for booking me and it's advisable to pay this as soon as you've decided to book. It completes the booking proces and locks me into your date :) 

When do we pay the balance?

The balance is due no less than 4 weeks prior to your wedding and I always send an email reminder nearer the time. 

Do you ever shoot with a second photographer?

No, I shoot solo, but I have a second photographer enhancemnt if you'd like one, or depending on the size of your day I might suggest one.

Have you ever not shown up to a wedding?

Nope! And I plan to keep it that way. In the event that I definitely can't shoot your wedding, I have backup plans in place to 'fill my shoes' or to help find you another amazing photographer.  

Can we include an album with our package?

Of course! You can add an album/s to your package from the very start, or once you have your photos and decide you just have to have them in print. A lot of my couples order their albums either with their package, for their first year anniversary, or a gift for the holidays.  

My question isn't here...

No worries! click here and ask away.

Do we feed you??

I do eat food! If it's the case that your caterers only have enough food for guests, absolutely no worries, I always bring snacks. But there's nothing like a hot meal during my day, so if there's enough to go around, then hells yeah I'll eat! Intolerances-wise, I'm gluten and dairy free. (unfortunately. sob).

Can we order prints and other extras?

Absolutely! I offer prints, fine art albums, mini-books, USB's via your gallery shop.

No need to upload images to another website, because your entire collection is built into the shop. Just select the product and you'll see every image ready to mahe your selection.

Anything purchased through your shop initially comes to me for quality control and packaging to be delivered straight to your home.

How long is the online gallery open?

Galleries are open for 1 year with all my packages.

Do you do video as well?

I learnt long ago that video wasn't for me. But I have a TON of recommended videographers I've personally worked alongside here.

Do you give us every image you photograph?

No I don't. I take about 5000+ raw images every wedding and I present all my couples with a hand finished, polished piece of art work. You don't go to a restaraunt and ask for all the ingredients - you trust the chefs to create an incredible meal for you. Same applies here :)  

Do you use AI to edit your work?

The only AI tools I use are within Photoshop and Lightroom which I use to remove distractions or slightly extend a wall, things like that. Personally I don't agree with using AI applications that edit entire weddings at the click of a button. That's not how I roll. 

Can we ask you to edit our photos a certain way?

I'm always open to simple suggestions, but at the end of the day you're entrusting me, as the artist, with the vision of your day. Producing images infused with my style and creativity that you want to see in your photos. If you want control over how/what I capture then we're likely not the right fit, and that's ok!

Message Sent!

Thanks so much for reaching out, I can’t wait to meet you! If today's a Sunday I'll be with you on Monday. Otherwise I’ll be in touch within 24hrs or sooner to go through the next steps. 

Let's do this!!

Lu x